
There is nothing more important than understanding yourself and your relationship with siblings, parents, partners and others. Astrology provides tremendous clarity on the cycle that you are going through. Astrology empowers you by helping you understand your inherent strength and potential, so that you can embrace and develop them. Astrology can lead you to your higher potential, live your life in a harmonious way and know your soul's true intention.

If life seems like a series of meaningless events, astrology can be a comforting sign that perhaps things happen for a reason. It can shine a light on inner contradictions and natural strengths. As a map of the psyche, the birth chart is a guide to self-understanding that never stops revealing new layers of insight.

Astrology is a wonderful tool for self-awareness. Your astrological chart is a map for your soul, your purpose in life and the reason you are incarnated in this lifetime. Everything about you is in your chart. I am here to help you see your gifts and talents along with your weaknesses. Having love and compassion for all parts of yourself is an important goal.

To book a consultation please email

First time client

Natal chart with transits, one hour - online


Return client

Natal and transit, one hour - online


Return client

Return client: transit - online

30 minutes 
